Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Twelve and Out?

Last week I assessed the evidence that Sen. Collins had promised to seek only two terms in the Senate and concluded the following:

While it doesn't sound as though Collins made a formal, explicit promise not to seek re-election in 2008, she certainly made something close to a pledge.
Well, hold the phone.

It looks like she may have made a full-fledged pledge after all.

Craig at Turn Maine Blue has produced an audio tape on which he says Collins is caught pledging to serve no more than two terms.

A transcript of the tape reads as follows:

Audience Member: Simple question, requires a one word answer, three of you support term limit amendment to the constitution, I want you to take the pledge, if you are elected will you serve twelve years and no more.

Female Voice: Yes
Male Voice: Yes
Male Voice: Yes
If it's Collins's voice on the tape, the water just got a bit hotter.

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