Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blog Blog Blog

I'd be remiss not to highlight PPH's primer on Maine political blogs, published over the weekend.


mainefem said...

Once again, MSM (Kaplan) wouldn't know what a blog was, if it smacked 'em upside the haid.

AMG is hardly a blog.

TMB was funded by BlogPac, BTW (and Gerald is not the owner).

Blogs have been around loooong before DFA & BFA.

mainefem said...


"Tue Jul 03, 2007 at 19:59:24 PM EDT'


"I also want to thank the great folks over at BlogPac for giving a $180 grant to cover hosting fees for one year. If you can, head over to BlogPac and show them your appreciation with a donation. The money will go to fund other state blogs as well as some other projects that they are working on."
