It's still not clear what the so-called "Gang of Six" deficit reduction plan is--and what it isn't.
But in any case, Sen. Collins is embracing it:
U.S. Sen. Susan Collins has signed a letter backing a bipartisan plan in the Senate that aims to cut the deficit by at least $3.7 trillion over 10 years through a mix of spending cuts and increased revenues from closing some tax loopholes.
The Maine Republican is one of 33 senators, 15 of them Republicans, to sign the letter, as the Senate searches for a compromise plan to hike the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling and avoid a federal debt default looming on Aug. 2.
This seems like smart politics: The plan has little chance of passing, and even if it does, its lack of specificity gives Collins plenty of wiggle room to decry the cuts to entitlements and other programs that it would inevitably require.
If it doesn't pass, Collins can point to her support as evidence of her fiscal conservatism. And then go back to voting for all of the tax cuts and nearly all of the big ticket programs.