Thursday, April 12, 2007

Actions and Words

The Kennebec Journal gets letters:

Just over a week ago, Collins voted against a plan to end the war in Iraq. When questioned, she responded "My vote against this rapid withdrawal does not mean that I support an open-ended commitment of our troops to Iraq" (March 28, New York Times). That response sounded disturbingly familiar to Bush's response to questions about withdrawal.

If there is no timetable, how is America's commitment to the war in Iraq not open-ended? How much longer our country survive under international scorn and how much longer will the American public allow the situation in Iraq to deteriorate?

The answer should not be "for the time-being." We need representatives that will stand up for our values in Washington, not quietly support the war while loudly complaining about the situation in Iraq.

We voted for Collins thinking she would live up to what she preaches, either we were wrong or Washington has changed her. She told us that she was against the war and in favor of a rapid end to this constantly escalating conflict.

However, her votes in Washington speak louder than her words, and that simply means our votes in 2008 need to speak even louder. I will not be supporting Collins in 2008.

Debra Whitehouse
Augusta, ME

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