Friday, May 18, 2007

Gonzales Watch

From the Portland Press Herald:

Following the revelation that the Bush administration long considered firing Maine's U.S. attorney, the state's two Republican senators sharply criticized Attorney General Alberto Gonzales but stopped short of calling for his resignation.


Sen. Susan Collins stressed in a telephone interview that the decision is President Bush's, but also said, "I think the attorney general's credibility has been incredibly damaged."
(Emphasis added.)

So there it is: More poo-pooing from the junior senator, but still no movement.

We're at a point, now where it's worth asking if there is anything--literally anything--Gonzales could do that would merit, in Collins' mind, calling for him to resign.

(I'm genuinely curious: I have no idea how she'd respond to that question.)

She may not be thrilled with Gonzales, she's saying, but his performance is none of her business: What happens in the executive branch stays in the executive branch.

How's that for a campaign slogan?

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