Tuesday, April 8, 2008

BDN Snoozes Again

Gerald takes BDN to task for lazy coverage. I'd add just two points.

First, reporter Bill Trotter allows the Collins camp to maintain, unchallenged, that Allen is "more than 20 percent behind in the polls." Given that the only non-partisan poll in months says otherwise, this is inexcusable.

Second, Trotter states that, "Allen also indirectly touched upon the issue of his ties to MoveOn.org," but never elaborates or explains. Unless you count Allen's discussion of Gen. Petraeus and his work in Iraq as fitting Trotter's description. But that's a huge stretch. It's a Six-Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon kind of stretch.

The impression that's left is that Trotter was intent on including a dig at Moveon.org in his piece, and that the mere mention of Petraeus gave him an excuse to do so.

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