Monday, April 14, 2008

Fish, Barrel, Etc.

Republican Ryan Lorrain wants you to know that Sen. Collins "has never failed to represent Maine in the 3,764 opportunities she has had to do so."

But apparently, he doesn't want to broadcast too loudly that he's running for a seat in the Maine House of Representatives this year. And the Google-averse editors at the Morning Sentinel don't feel the need to let readers know about Lorrain's affiliation either.

(Incidentally, I think Lorrain and I have different ideas about what it means to "represent Maine" in congressional votes.)

Free Collins Watch subscription to anyone who can point to three pro-Collins letters published in Maine papers over the last six months that weren't written by members of the Maine Republican party apparatus.


Anonymous said...

One would think by now that the folks at Blethen would perform a quick search on every letter writer, but especially those writing in support of Collins.


Anonymous said...

Maybe someone needs to ask Gerald how much money he is getting paid to post on this blog, and others.

What about it Gerald, are you on the payroll?

It is a FACT that bloggers are being paid by Dem operatives in Maine. How about Collinswatch, Dan? Might explain why someone in Brooklyn NY would spend so much time worrying about a moderate senator from Maine.

Your feigned indignation about republicans writing letters to the editor is a laugh, given the high probability that both of you are hiding your financial association with the Allen campaign.

Anonymous said...

I am not paid, nor receiving money, nor have I ever received money, from any campaign. You can look at the FEC filings if you want to verify my statement.

To my knowledge, Turn Maine Blue has never even run an ad from Allen's Senate campaign, nor any of those running for his 1st District seat.

It is ironic that I am being accused of this by someone that doesn't have the balls to post their own name.

Gerald Weinand

Contrapositive said...

A few points in response to Anonymous :

1) Neither Collins Watch nor I receives financial support from any party, campaign, candidate or committee.

2) If you have evidence that bloggers are being paid by campaigns or parties in Maine, please pass it along. Might make an interesting story.

3) I'm not so much indignant about the unattributed letters from Republican insiders in the Maine press as I am bemused by the lack of interest at the KJ and elsewhere in enforcing even basic editorial standards on the letters page.

I do think that it's worth pointing out to readers that the steady stream of pro-Collins letters they've been seeing reflects the thinking of a small subset of Mainers (committed, active Republicans) rather than, for example, a cross-section of average Mainers.

4) I'm all for a vigorous, opinionate discussion in the comments here, and welcome criticism. But I'm not interested in allowing this space to become a forum for baseless allegations and innuendo. And I'm particularly unenthusiastic about allegations made under the cloak of anonymity. So in the future, be sure to back up any charges you make with facts.


Collins Watch

Anonymous said...
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