Saturday, April 10, 2010

Run Abbott, Run

Poor Steve Abbott. After making a doozy of a gaffe, he's decided to double down and keep the story alive for another week:

It is an acceptable campaign function to record an opponent when the candidate is at a forum, such as a speech or a meeting, where he or she is offering remarks, especially policy or political statements, ideas, or opinions...

It is unacceptable to follow or track a candidate when the candidate is at an event where he or she would not typically offer remarks. It is unacceptable to tail a candidate. Likewise, it is unacceptable to record a candidate's conversations.
So a candidate's interactions with voters at public events are fair game. As long as the candidate isn't moving. And is reading from a prepared text. Or something.

Yes, it's pathetic. It would be hilarious, too, if his old boss hadn't won an election using just this formula--so that she could tell different constituents different things and avoid vigorous, on-the-record questioning just about entirely.

Remember, when candidate Collins was tracked briefly--by a New York Times reporter--we learned she was telling voters that the Obama health care reform plan was "pretty good" and that she was open to supporting it.

(Of course, not a single Maine outlet reported on the statement.)

Does anyone really believe that was the only time she made a rhetorical commitment that she hasn't kept? What other sorts of representations was she making in conversations with voters? We'll never know.

Of course, the junior senator has never been one to shy away from hypocrisy.

Apparently, her disciple is similarly unfazed.

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