Monday, September 10, 2007

Q & A

As The Left Coaster intimates, it will be interesting to see how Sen. Collins performs on Tuesday at the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing with Gen. David Petraeus.

Will she ask tough questions, pushing the general off of his talking points? Or will she stick to generalities and empty bromides?

Clearly, the hearing presents the junior senator a golden opportunity to demonstrate to constituents that she takes their concerns about our Iraq strategy seriously. And being tough on Petraeus costs her nothing.

But how best to mask her demonstrated unseriousness on the Iraq question? Among her options: She could draw attention to the fact that the surge has failed on its own terms; push Gen. Petraeus to clarify his comments about his America's long term presence in Iraq; or demand that he explain what "winning" in Iraq means and what it's likely to cost.

In any case, we'll be watching.

UPDATE: If Collins really wants to surprise us, she'll ask Petraeus about this.

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