Friday, October 24, 2008

Here a Crook, There A Crook

I don't mean to pick on Kevin Wack. He's done some very solid reporting on the Allen-Collins race.

But I think his assumption here--that Sen. Collins will unload the campaign contribution she's received from the guy who runs Sen. John McCain's robocall firm--is misplaced.

Remember, it took till July, and an indictment, for Collins to dump a contribution from Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK). Even though he'd been under investigation for more than a year.

In fact, just as that investigation gathered steam, she sent him a big chunk of change.

What's more, as far as I know, she hasn't given back this $1,000 contribution from this guy. (More on Petters here.)

The lesson seems to be that the junior senator unloads contributions from supporters when they come under indictment. Sometimes.

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